Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another Beautiful Day

Lily riding her new Princess trike

Pretty good form!

Lily dunking with daddy

Ali dunking with daddy

Ali hanging from the rim

Lily hanging from the rim...she was a little nervous!

Ali working on ball handling with daddy

Air daddy!!

Another beautiful January day! It was mid 60's today on January 31 & we really enjoyed our time outside!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lily's Birthday Party

Uncle Mike & Ali. . .Uncle Mike got Lily some gogurt & sausage for her birthday, 2 of her favorites!!

Daddy & Lily after the party

LoLo & Bret. . .they spent the night with us the night before the party & helped prepare

Lily's new castle. The whole family is inside!

The Birthday Girl!

Ali reading her favorite book to Nana. . .

Saturday was Uncle Demian's Birthday.

Lily about to blow out her "3" candle

Sara & Lily

PawPaw & Lolo

Eric, Miranda, & Ali


Bret & Aunt Al

Grandma, Aunt Al, & PawPaw

Daddy, Uncle Demian, & Josh

Aunt Susan made Lily a dress up Caillou!

Grandma & girls

Saturday we celebrated Lily's birthday. Saturday was Uncle Demian's birthday too. Her party was a success! We celebrated with a lot of family and friends & she got lots of presents!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lily's 3rd Birthday

Lily's 3rd Birthday. . .on her new Princess trike. . .

Tonight we went to T Rex Cafe to celebrate Lily's Birthday. . .

The girls looking at the colorful fish in the big fish tank. . .

Lily with her birthday ice cream sundae. . .

We dug for bones in the "Palentology Zone". . .

I takes a lot of concentration to hold up "3" fingers!

We closed the place down tonight. We were the last to leave! Lily said "I had a great Happy Birthday!"

Monday, January 23, 2012


Yesterday we baked some delicious cookies with Aunt Al & Lolo. . .


2 odd places I found Ali playing the ipod!


Aunt Susan came over the other day with ingredients to make our own pizza's. The girls had a great time with this hands on activity.